

三軍總醫院放射腫瘤部自民國65年元月至75年元月,共有15例例腦幹腫瘤患者接受單獨放射線治療或手術後放射治療。只有1例在治療前經組織病理證實為退行性星狀細胞瘤(anaplastic astrocytoma)。年齡分佈自5歲到35歲,平均年齡為13.4歲。病灶部位之分佈為橋腦9例,中腦1例,其餘5例已超過單一部位。最常見之神經學徵候為多發性顱神經缺失(multiple cranial nerve defacit),運動失調(ataxia)及不完全性偏癱(hemiparesis)。13例接受小照野治療,另2例則接受全腦照射及小照野之加強治療。腫瘤之劑量為5000-5000厘葛雷(cGy)。92%(12/13)的復發患者於1年內發生。1年及5年之存活率為40%及20%。


Between January 1976 and January 1986, 15 previously untreated patients with clinically proven or presumed glioma of the brain stem, treated with combined surgery and postoperative radiotherapy or radiotherapy alone at the Tri-Service General Hospital. Only one patient had a histologic diagnosis of anaplatic astrocytoma made prior to treatment. Their age ranged from 5 to 35 years (mean age, 13.4 years). Tumors were located in the midbrain in 1 patient, in the pone in 9 patients and involving more than one location in the remaining 5 patients. The most common neurological sings were multiple cranical nerve palsy, ataxia and hemiparesis. Thirteen patients received radiation to a limited field and two received whole brain irradiation with small field boosting. The tumor dose was 5000-5500 cGy given at 180-200cGy/fraction/day. Ninety-two percent (12/13) of the tumor recurrence in evaluable patients occurred within one year. Survival rate was 40% (7/15) at 1 year and 20% (2/15) at 5 years.


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