

新安裝了兩部NEC醫用放射治療模擬攝影X光機,全程的驗收測試共計包含安全,機械,光學和X光影像顯示系統四大項。安全系統包含輻射安全系統和防止病患受撞擊受傷的碰撞停止連鎖系統,機械系統包含旋轉臂,準直儀和攝影床的旋轉,平移,上下,左右運動的功能;光學系統包含距離,照野指示等裝置;X光影像顯示系統包含影像增感屏,電視監控器等。各系統所測試的結果是:輻射安全均在法規要求範圍內;防撞(collision avoidance)安全系統在設計上需改善,機械系統方面在攝影床的旋轉等中心性於未調整前中心軸所旋繞出的軌跡有2.0公分直徑之大;其它部份均合格。光學,X光影像顯示系統均正常。驗收測試合格後,則須持續長期進行完整的品質保證(quality assurance)後續工作,以維持模擬攝影X光機良好而穩定的狀態。


Two NEC radiotherapy simulators, one in Linkon Medical Center and the other in Kaohsiung Medical Center, have been installed recently in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Commissioning procedures included the acceptance test, radiation protection survey, and acquisition and assimilation of treatment aids. When the machine installation was completed, the acceptance test was performed first by the NEC engineers first and then by the hopital physicists to verify specifications and characteristics of the facilities. The acceptance test included safety, mechanical, digital, optical and laser system. The procedures were divided into three parts: (1) safety system, (2) motion body (gantry, collimator, couch) and (3) X-ray and image system. We checked motion range, speed, stability and accuracy, and confirmed it to meet criteria. We checked O.D.I., light and radiation fields agreement and image system. In general, NEC LA 1901 simulator met most specifications including shelding, radiation protection, mechanical, optical and digital display and X-ray image display system. After commissioning procedures, quality assurance program was initiated for all facilities. Specified commissioning procedures and quality assurance program are essential for maintaining high quality of radiation therapy.


simulator quality assurance
