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Application of High Resolution CT in Diffuse Infiltrative Lung Disease


次級肺小葉(secondary pulmonary lobule)是肺內含有結締組織間隔的最小單位,它與相鄰的肺小葉以小葉間隔(interlobular septa)爲界限。肺的間質組微(interstitium)可分為中央間質組織,肺小葉間的間質組織及肺泡壁間質組織三部份。運用高解像力電腦斷層術(high-resolution computed tomograpgy, HRCT)可以輕易地解剖小葉組織的結構,對於疾病的進行方式及間質疾病的鑑別診斷有很大的助益。在枝氣管擴張(bronchiectasis)的診斷上,HRCT幾乎已取代了大部份枝氣管攝影術(bronchography)的工作,在癌症之肺部淋巴性轉移(Lymphangitic spread),尋常性間質性肺炎(usual interstitial pneumonia),矽肺症(silocosis)及類肉瘤症(sarcoidosis)的診斷上都有相當高的診斷率,而且遠超過常規X光片所能偵測的範圍。國際間應用這種技巧來診斷肺間質疾病已行之有年,而國內有關這方面的報導卻很少出現,謹提供我們的經驗和看法讓大家參考。


Secondary pulmonary louble consists of central interstitium, interlobular interstititum and alveolar wall interstitium. With application of high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) detailed structures of normal secondary pulmonary lobules can be easily identified except alveolar wall interstitium. It is useful to identify the disease process and helpful to make the differential diagnosis in infiltrative lung diseases. In diagnosis of bronchiectasis, HRCT almost replaces bronchography. In lymphangitic spread, usual interstitial pneumonitis, silicosis and sarcoidosis, HRCT can make more specific diagnosis and is superior to plain chest film. To the best of our knowledge, this application has seldom been repoted in Taiwan. Its application in diffuse infiltrative lung diseases should recommended.
