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Arthrographic Study of Calcific Tendinitis of Shoulder



本文章主要在於評估肩關節雙重顯影攝影術對肩鈣化性肌腱炎之價值。 從1989年10月至1991年11月,台北榮民總醫院共有51個病例的慢性肩關節疼痛和鈣化性肌腱炎病患做肩關節雙重顯影術,在於研究和檢查是否合併有其它任何肩部病變,鈣化之大小和位置-并記錄下來,以便用來歸納討論關節顯影術之發現,結果和臨床之相關性。 病人的平均年齡是60歲(23至77),38位是男性,13位是女性,肩關節雙重顯影攝術的結果如下列:21例是正常,8例是撞擊症候群,6例是軸轉肌斷裂,5例是粘黏性肩關節炎,另11例是軸轉肌斷裂合并有粘黏性肩關節炎或撞擊症候群。 在本研究中,11例有完全之軸轉肌斷裂,6例有部份之軸轉肌斷裂,合計約佔全部病例的三分之一。21例是正常,約佔四成。其他的病例都是須要進一步的處理。肩關節雙重顯影攝術顯然對本研究中之病人有很大之幫忙。雖然的我們懷疑鈣化的體積愈大,愈容易產生軸轉肌斷裂,但我們的研究並不支持這種論點。對肩關節疼痛和鈣化性肌腱炎病患,做肩關節雙重顯影術,是有很大的幫助。


關節攝影 肩關節 肌腱


This study aims to evaluate the of arthrography in patients of chronic shoulder pain with calcific tendinitis. From October 1989 to November 1991, 51 cases of chronic shoulder pain (>1 month duration) with calcific tendinitis were studied prospectively to investigate any accompanying shoulder problems. The size of the calcification was measured and the origin of the calcification was recorded. The mean age of the 51 patients was 60 years in range from 23 to 77 years. Thirty-eight of them were male patients and 13 were female. The results of arthrography were normal in 21 cases, impingement in 8 cases, rotator cuff tears in 6 cases, adhesive capsulitis in 5 cases, and rotator cuff tear combined with either impingement or adhesive capsulitis in 11 cases. In our study, 11 cases had complete rupture of rotator cuff and 6 cases had partial tear; which made up a total of 34% in our study, i. e. about 1/3 of cases. Twenty-one cases (41.2%) showed normal study. The remaining cases required specific treatment; and arthrography was helpful in a large proportion of them. Although we suspected that the larger the size of calcification, the higher the incidence of tear; our study did not support such idea. We suggest that arthrography is helpful and convenient for patients of chronic shoulder pain with calcific tendinitis.


arthrography joint shoulder tendon
