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CT Evaluation of Osteochondral Fracture of Talar Dome



距骨頂的骨軟骨骨折是一種不常見的疾病。有一些病患的X光片(Plain Radiographs)常無法察視該病兆。因此,電腦斷層攝影掃描(Computed Tomography)極爲需要以建立診斷。在十三個病患中有十七個腳踝罹患距骨頂的骨軟體骨折。其中內側病灶佔88%;其餘12%爲外側病灶。所有病患中患雙踝病灶有46%,其中每一例都是雙側內距骨頂病灶。X光片沒有查出的病兆佔47%。所有接受開刀病例的電腦斷層分期是準確的。內側病兆常見於年青好動的病患。內側病兆亦可因爲創傷而引起。適當的放射線學檢查(Radiographyic examinations)是必須的。若延遲外科手術將導致創傷性骨關節炎及關節黏連。電腦斷層攝影掃描對於診斷幫助極鉅。


Osteochondral fracture of the talar dome is an uncommon disease. In some patients, the lesions might be easily overlooked by plain radiographs because of subtle findings. Thus, computed tomography (CT) scan is required to establish the diagnosis. Seventeen ankles in 13 patients with osteochondral fracture of talar dome were evaluated retrospectively with plain radio-graphs and CT scans. Osteochondral fracture was located at medial talar dome in 15 (88%) out of 17 ankles. The remaining 2 (12%) were of lateral talar location. Bilateral involvement of the ankles was found in 6 (46%) patients with all lesions being medially located. Eight (47%) ankles were overlooked by plain radiographs. In all ankles, the osteochondral fractures were demonstrated by CT scan. Osteochondral fracture of the medial talar dome is frequently encountered in young, athletically inclined patients, and can also be associated with trauma. Proper radiographic exminations are necessary for lesion detection. Delay in surgical removal of bony fragment may result in traumatic arthritis and possible ankylosis. CT scan is very helpful in establishing the diagnosis.


Talus bones, fractures bones, CT bone, radiography
