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Intra-abdominal Desmoplastic Small Cell Tumor: CT and Ultrasound Images



促纖維性小細胞瘤(desmoplastic small cell tumor)是一種罕見的腫瘤。通常發生在腹腔內,以年輕男性居多。我們報告一例發生於14歲男性之促纖維性小細胞瘤的影像學發現。在超音波及電腦斷層攝影上可以看到一個巨大的腹腔內腫瘤,併有腹膜轉移,散佈性的淋巴結轉移,以及單一的肝臟轉移。同時在電腦斷層及超音波下可見到腫瘤內部有明顯的散佈性點狀鈣化,該項發現極少見於以前的病例報告中。若是在年輕男性發現一起源不明之大型腹腔內腫瘤,應把促纖維性小細胞瘤列入鑑別診斷中。


Desmoplastic small cell tumor (DSCT) is a rare neoplasm which usually arises in the abdomen and typically affects young males. We report the imaging findings of a 14- year-old boy with this uncommon tumor. A huge abdominal mass with peritoneal implantations, extensive metastatic lymphadenopathies, and a solitary liver metastasis were evident on ultrasound and CT scan. Diffuse, tiny punctate calcified spots within the tumor were well demonstrated on CT and ultrasound, which have not been seen in most DSCTs reported before. The imaging findings of a large mass with no obvious origin in a young male patient should alert the radiologist to include this disease in the differential diagnosis.
