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Polysplenia Syndrome Associated with Preduodenal Portal Vein and Short Pancreas: Incidental Findings in a Case of CBD Adenocarcinoma



一位八十六歲男性因為發熱及黃疸住院,電腦斷層攝影、磁振造影和磁振膽胰攝影認為是膽管炎。此外,我們發現病人有一個怪異形狀的脾臟和一個小脾,也看到短小胰臟和十二指腸前肝門靜脈,這些異常是多脾症的一部分。 多脾症是一種罕見的先天異常,通常伴隨心肺及腹部的問題,成人的病例通常只有輕微的異常。了解這些異常使我們知道這是症狀的一部分,而非不同的疾病。電腦斷層在診斷此腹部異常方面是很好的工具,磁振造影及磁振膽胰攝影則可提供更多的訊息。


An eighty-six-year old male was admitted for fever and jaundice, which prompted an abdominal CT scan and serial radiological investigations. Cholangitis was considered on the basis of the CT, MRT and MRCP findings. Besides, a bizarre-shaped spleen and a small splenule were found. A short pancreas and a preduodenal portal vein were also noted. These anomalies were part of the polysplenia syndrome. Polysplenia syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly frequently associated with cardiopulmonary and abdominal disorders. In adult cases, there are usually only minor associated anomalies. Awareness of these abnormalities helps in recognizing the syndrome. CT is proved to be an excellent imaging modality in diagnosing the abdominal anomalies. MRI and MRCP may give more detailed information.
