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Marchiafava-Bignami Disease: CT,MRI and 99m Tc HMPAO-SPECT Findings

Marchiafava-Bignami Disease:電腦斷層、磁振造影、單光子射出電腦斷層的影像表現


我們提出Machiafava-Bignami Disease (MBD)神經影像上的發現,MBD在一位三十九歲酗酒的男性被診斷出來,他呈現急性臨床變化。最初,頭部的電腦斷層和磁振造影影像指出從胼胝體的膝部到喙部產生了濔漫水腫樣的病變,此為急性期特殊表現。單光子射出電腦斷層檢查指出在兩側頂葉及枕葉有血流灌注減少的情形。即刻以Thiamine和維他命B群治療使他在臨床上逐漸地好轉。8個月後,追蹤的磁振造影影像表現出慢性MBD典型特徵—胼胝體萎縮合併胼胝體內層囊狀病變。依據我們所知,這是台灣文獻中有關MBD的第一篇個案報告。


We report neuroimaging studies of Marchiafave-Bignami disease (MBD) diagnosed on a 39-year-old alcoholic man with acute clinical deterioration. Initially, cranial CT and MRI demonstrated diffusely edematous change from the genu to the splenium of the corpus callosum (CC) characteristic for acute stage of MBD. Decreased blood perfusion in bilat-eral parietal and occipital lobes was also noted in SPECT study. Prompt treatment with thiamine and vitamin B comples resulted in clinical improvement. 8 months later, follow-up MR imaging showed typ-ical features of chronic MBD—atrophy with cystic change in the CC. To our knowledge, this is the first case of MBD reported in Taiwan literature.


Alcoholism Brain corpus callosum Brain CT Brain MRI Brain SPECT Machiafava-Bignami disease
