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Percutaneous Biliary Forceps Biopsy for Suspect Malignant Biliary Obstruction



評估經皮穿肝膽道內取樣術應用於診斷疑似惡性膽道阻塞之方法及效果。 八位疑似惡性膽道阻塞之病患接受經皮穿肝膽道引流術,病患於一至二週後接受經皮穿肝膽道內取樣術。 所有的取樣皆得到足夠組織及正確病理診斷,取樣後所有病患皆有暫時性出血性黃疸,少部份病患有低燒及疼痛之輕微併發症,無任一病患有嚴重之併發症。 經皮穿肝膽道內取樣術用於診斷疑似惡性膽道阻塞為一安全及有效之法。


膽道 生檢 黃疸


To evaluate the usefulness of percutaneous transluminal forceps biopsy in patients with suspicious malignant biliary obstruction. Eight consecutive patients (7 men and 1 female; mean age, 69 years old) with obstructive jaundice underwent transluminal forceps biopsy after percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage. The lesion involved the common bile duct (n=5) and hepatic hilum (n=3). For each patient, six specimens were taken from the lesion with 5.2-Fr biopsy forceps. The final diagnosis for each patient was confirmed with pathological findings at surgery, biochemistry, or additional histocytological data. All biopsies resulted in correct diagnoses of malignant or benign lesion. There are no false negative or false positive result. The accuracy of the transluminal forceps biopsy is 100%. There was no major complication related to the biopsy procedures. Percutaneous transluminal forceps biopsy is a safe procedure that is easy to perform through a transhepatic biliary drainage tract. It provides a high accuracy in the diagnosis of suspect malignant biliary obstruction.


Bile ducts Biopsy Jaundice
