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Establishment of Real Time E-Statistic Analysis System for Safety of the Patients Who Undergoing Radiotherapy


建立網路數位化放射治療安全指標監測即時統計分析系統,藉由網路的傳輸與程式的應用,將醫師、護士、技術師、物理師個別執行的安全指標項目整合,並透過系統程式的即時統計分析圖之呈現,提升病人安全品質管理的效率,並期望本系統能成為其他類似系統之先期雛型。 本研究依「放射作業安全指引」中對於放射腫瘤科所制定的安全指標項目及標準為主架構,將所有相關的資料撰寫一套放腫科專用的網路數位化安全指標管理系統。放射治療過程中,因使用劑量率很高的放射線,稍一不慎,即會對病人造成無法彌補的傷害。而病人安全需醫師、護士、技術師、物理師共同配合,因此唯有藉由網路的傳輸與程式的應用,才能將醫師、護士、技術師、物理師個別執行的安全指標項目整合,並透過系統程式的即時統計分析圖的呈現,得到更有效的決策依據。 我們能透過網路數位化的管理,將所有相關的資料數據資訊化,使管理者得到更及時更正確的資訊,從體制流程面著手,檢討影響病人安全的風險因素,並進而作風險管理,提出檢討改善方法,並提昇整體醫療品質。 藉由本研究所建立電子資料庫,並開發自動化即時統計分析的功能,結合現今日趨成熟的多媒體影像呈現方式傳達各類即時電子統計的分析圖表,建立一套全新的資訊管理系統,提升病人安全品質管理的效率,並期望本系統成為其他類似系統之先期雛型。


Establishment of real time e-statistic analysis system for safety of the patients who undergoing radiotherapy. Contact via Internet and application of programs are the necessities to integrate the individual safety project of physician, nurse, technician and physicist, and the more effective will be available based on the basis of the presentation of real time analysis diagrams. Integrate the gradually matured multimedia image presentation manner and also have the hope that this system will be the rudiment to other similar system. This research had taken the safety index and standard, which is contained in ”Safety for Radiation Operation” against department of radiation oncology, as the main structure, and systemized all relevant documents and information digitally related to quality control only for the department of radiation oncology. It is easy to impose the irremediable damages on patients by using radiation of high dose rate during radiation therapy. And only with the effort combination of physician, nurse, technician and radiological physicist can the patients' safety be constructed, therefore, contact via Internet and application of programs are the necessities to integrate the individual safety project of physician, nurse, technician and physicist, and the more effective will be available based on the basis of the presentation of real time analysis diagrams. The system enables us to have all data through digital management and more correct data and information available for manager. This research has set about the management system, discussed the risk factor affecting the patients' safety, and management of further conducted risk. Deliver every real time e-statistic analysis chart, construct a set of brand new information management system, enhance quality control efficiency of patients' safety by virtue of a combination of the electronic database by our institute, developing the function of auto real time statistic analysis and integrating the gradually matured multimedia image presentation manner and also have the hope that this system will be the rudiment to other similar system.
