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  • OpenAccess


Establishment of Computerized Cancer Registry real-time Statistical Analysis System


本研究之目的為建立一套電腦化的醫療統計分析系統,即時分析癌症病患之資料。 本研究方法包括癌症病患資料庫規格的設計及統 計分析方法與模式的建立。本研究計畫已完成系統所需之功能,我們使用Microsoft Access資料庫、VB、MATLAB等高階程式語言發展本系統,利用系統化的資料收集與統計分析,定期或不定期地提出癌症流行病學報告,提供醫護人員教導的資料;協助臨床醫師進行臨床研究,提供他們正確而完整的統計分析方法。 本系統已完成測試並直接應用於臨床之例行作業。希望將癌症登記、癌症追蹤及即時統計分析三個系統合而為一,並擺脫以往單調的呈現方式,改以多媒體統計圖方式呈現,讓所有醫護同仁很簡易的即時得到十大癌症統計圖、癌症分布地圖、各種癌症存活曲線圖、癌症報表…等即時資訊。 利用本系統可將癌症病人資料,作完整的統計分析,並探討各項統計結果於臨床上的意義與應用;此系統可成為本院癌病的資料庫與研究分析平台及為院內類似系統之先期雛型。


A computerized analysis system in biomedical statistics will be developed in this research. The real-time analyses of datas for cancer groups in diverse statistical classification are performed. The methodologies of the study include the design of database specifications for cancer patients and the modeling of statistical analyses. The software including Microsoft Access Database, VB, and Matlab are used to develop the system. By systematically data collection and statistical analysis, periodical or un-periodical proposing of popular disease reports, providing the instruction to clinical staff. The comprehensive and practical statistical analysis will very helpful to assist the doctors for clinical research. This system would be implemented for the routine work. The real-time information for statistical graphs, region distribution, and curve graphs for survival with ten notorious fatal cancers can be displayed with multimedia graphs, pictures, animation, and audio. The proposed system with database would be the platform for data mining and researching. With the system, the data of cancer during past 10 years in Chi-Mei hospital would be analyzed using statistical methods, and then the significance of the results would be investigated for various clinical applications.


Cancer registry Cancer map Radiotherapy
