  • 期刊


From Head Ward Erosion to Hakka Fabric Creation


地理環境中的「向源侵蝕(Head Ward Erosion)」,是自然界中的一種移動異化衍生現象。客家文化歷經各種文化洗禮,重組產生新的客家文化樣貌,如同「向源侵蝕」現象般,隨時序演變不斷產生異化、溶合、重組並與環境繁衍共生。本研究以「向源侵蝕」做為理論依據,轉換服裝創作,以造形變項作為中介,將自然現象中崩解、滑落、融合、交替、差異、循環與再現的概念,藉由客家文化意象與傳統花布的應用,進行服裝造形變項的重組改造,嘗試從異化的空間中,找尋新的對話空間。


Head Ward Erosion is a natural phenomenon which causes the origin to move back away from the direction of the stream flow. Hakka culture experienced all kinds of cultural cleansing to reorganize and to become a new Hakka style. Just like Head Ward Erosion, it continually changes, combines, reassembles, organizes and co-exists together with the environment. This research is based on the theory of Head Ward Erosion which has led to the creation of the clothing design. The modeling is an intermediary which combines the natural occurrences of collapse, dropping, combination, exchange, differences, cycle, and reappearance. With Hakka and traditional cloth, the clothes are retransformed in order to find a new space of interaction via dissimilation space.
