  • 期刊


An Elderly Apparel Research on Preferences of Color, Fabric, and Fabric Patterns in Southern Taiwan


台灣隨著科技腳步的發展與演變,延伸出人口高齡化的問題。預估在2025 年台灣銀髮產業將會會有約 3 兆 5937 億台幣的產值規模。目前台灣的服裝市場中,缺乏對銀髮族服飾的研究及開發。因此本研究目的為創造更舒適的銀髮族群服裝,針對銀髮族群一般日常生活服裝的色彩、布料、布料圖案喜好以深入訪談方式進行探討。其中發現銀髮族新銀髮族對於服裝色調、色彩的喜好、冬夏天服裝色彩的擁有、著重的布料觸感與功能性、布料圖案印花喜好的種類結果,可供未來產業界進行銀髮族服裝設計時,能更貼近銀髮族服裝喜好,改善銀髮族穿著的需求,為銀髮族帶來更好的服裝穿著品質。


The issue of increasing aging population will not be stopped and the market size of elderly commerce will be increased. Today, fashion companies and designers have targeted on young consumers. It leads that the elderly adults cannot find appropriate apparel in the present market, which makes a big problem for elderly adults. Therefore, the research focuses on elderly women in Southern Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to develop a series of comfortable apparel for elderly women in Southern Taiwan. The study investigates apparel preferences on fabric patterns. The results will facilitate the apparel industry to develop appropriate apparel for elder adults.
