

大陸政策就是中國統一政策。本文認為國家統一的基本前提是兩岸軍隊國家化、文官中立化、司法獨立化。而其基本作為是促進大陸地區資訊的流通,產生發酵作用,開啓大陸封閉的觀念,加強台灣憲政改革,使對大陸人民具有燈塔效應,並加速台灣地區六年國建,提升對大陸人民之吸納力、容納力、和消化力;同時加速大陸地區生活品質的提高,以吸納台胞移居並投入建設行列,並藉由海峽兩岸均有統一的人民團體和政黨,各自整合地區差異,並匯集、表達民意。 國家統一的進程是海峽兩岸的政府一定要有誠意與善意。在安全的保證下,經由各個人民社團和政黨整合地方差異,逐漸形成「國家未統一,海峽兩岸已共有若干共同的人民團體和政黨」。經由互動、和自由選舉的逐次舉行,而促成國家統一。


The mainland China Policy is policy for unification of China. Nationalization of armed forces, neuturalization of bureaucray, and equal competitive interactions among political parties and interest groups in both sides of Taiwan Strait. As its means, in Taiwan area, constitutional reform and six-year national construction shall be accelerated to establish both a ”Light-House” for mainland area and a high developmented society, in which mainland people can move in and enjoy democratic way of life; in Mainland area, free flow of information and expression, and economic reform shall be carried out to formate a society of ”open and high quality of living” to integrate people of both sides of Taiwan Strait into an unified community. Ac last, before the unification of nation, there are the unification of people, political parties, interest groups, and political institutions in both sides of Taiwan Strait. Then through free election, China will be reunified, as Germany did in Oct. 3 and Dec. 2 1990.


Manissier, N. (2011). 席哈克時期法中全球夥伴關係:達成共同目標 [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.00162

