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The American Public Administration in 1960's



本文運用歷史的觀點來釐清公共行政理論及實務之發展與其當代系絡環境因素間互動的情形。(例如政治、經濟、文化、社會等因素 本文作者認為公共行政體系之運作及理論之發展,均與其系絡因素維持著一種辯證式的互動關係(Dialectically Interactional Relationship),而相互影響著對方。例如:政治理念(或概念)可塑造行政體系之運作,同時公共組織(政府)經常積極介入經濟危機等,可見一斑。本文從美國在六十年代中所發生的種種事件來了解公共行政之發展,並且探討兩件值得公共行政研究者注意之事例-新公共行政運動(New Public Administration)及計劃-規劃-預算制度(Planning-Programming-Budgeting System)。


The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of some historical developments and events during 1960's in the United States that form the theories and practice of contemporary American Public Administration. Since a comprehensive chronological review of those development in 1960's is impossible in this limited space, the author will examine two important and related aspects of the development of public administration in this decade. The first one is the functional and technical aspects in the field of public administration, while the second theme is the development of a humanistic approach in studying administrative phenomena. The essential theme is to provide a broad contextual framework to understand the development of the field within a consisting of political events, societal factors, technical efficiency, and human values.
