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The Preliminary Analysis on Distributive Politics in Taiwan: The Distribution of Environmental Protection Grants from Taiwan Provincial Government


本文以台灣省政府從77會計年度至84會計年度分配給21縣市之環境保護款作為個案,檢視是否分配理論可以解釋台灣省政府補助款分配的結果。研究結果發現,台灣省議會的內部結構因素對於省政府環保補助款的分配影響不大。除了省議員的資深程度以外,省議員的政黨屬性或省議員是否為相關委員會委員等因素對於補助款的分配並無顯著之影響。不過,需求變數(Need variable)之一”各縣市工廠的密度”明顯影響補助款的分配。從這些研究結果來看,美國的分配理論所隱含的分配政治並末在本案例中獲得支持,不過此結果也同時代表著台灣可能存在另一種形式的分配政治,這些可能需要未來研究進一步地檢驗。


This paper applies distributive theory to Taiwan by examining the distribution of environmental expenditures from Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) to 21 cities or counties from FY1988 to FY1995. Descriptive analysis shows that local governments in Taiwan rely heavily on the TPG's environmental grants, and the discrepancy between winning cities (or counties) and losing cities (or counties) tend to be large. Multivariate analysis indicates that, while seniority of Taiwan Provincial legislators moderately affects the distribution of provincial spending, committee membership and partisanship in Taiwan Provincial Assembly rarely display significant effects.These results suggest that the characteristics of distributive politics in the United States might not exist in Taiwan. However, it also suggests that a certain form of distributive politics may work in some ways in Taiwan. Further exploration is needed for answering this question.

