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The Initial Research on Social Capital and Community Security


面對著公民社會與社會資本逐漸衍生正面關聯、公民與社會在「共同」與「關懷」的實質意函中相生相連的治理演化下,身為一位警政教育學者與社區警政關懷者,不免思索「社會資本」(social capital)為何物?其興起是否真有有助於探尋促動包括「社區安全聯防」等社區警政作為的新動力,活化現行社區警政作為的既存「關係」聯結與「協力」基礎,對目前普遍呈現警政機關「有心無力」、民間社區「有力無意」或政府與民間兩造「期待多於付出」、「檢討多於自省」等形式多以實質的缺失與困境,是否能夠開啟一個新的視野、新的可能。   大法官會議釋字第五三五號解釋,印證並宣告社會秩序的「新品味年代」(a taste of social order)已經來臨。本號解釋大幅限縮警察執行臨檢權限,未來包括警方全面性臨檢及路邊隨機攔檢等「強制執法」或「強勢規範」作為均將受到限制(註1),影響相當重大。警察機關不能再以「暴力的管理者」、「秩序的維護者」自居,避免孤獨的滾動。國家與社會、警察與社區的關係需要重構、需要新的活水、需要新的融合關係。這種活水決不會是更多的警察、或更少的法律,而是更綿密的社會凝聚、社會信任與社會關聯-社會資本。本文即是抱持這種「探尋可能」與「謀求加值」的積極心態與認知下,擬從就「社會資本」與社區安全治理的趨勢進行理論建構的初探與實務關照,並希望在方法論上跨越國家中心與社會中心的爭議、或總體宏觀與個體微觀兩難選擇的困境,並嘗試提出以「群體中觀」為社會資本發展與聯結的備選途徑。


In recent years, social capital and civil society have a positive connection, Social capital refers to the institutions, relationships, and norms that shape the quality and quantity of a society's social interactions. Increasing evidence shows that social cohesion is critical for societies to prosper economically and for development to be sustainable. Social capital is not just the sum of the institutions which underpin a society - it is the glue that holds them together. The quantity, quality and persistence of social interactions among neighbors, friends and members of groups and associations, generate social capital and the ability to work together for a common good. In this study, the concept of social capital is introduced and illustrated, its form are described. Social capital can have a positive impact on the well-being and prosperity of an entire community, not only on the households with a lot of social capital. Communities do not exist in a vacuum. A country's political environment, cultural factors and, increasingly, the global economic environment can make it easier for social capital to flourish or fade at the community level. Social capital refers to as embedded and autonomous social relations. The sence in which ”embeddedness” and ”autonomy” is employed at the micro and macro level, then ,is not the same; embeddedness at the micro level refers to intra-community ties, whereas at the macro level it refers to state-society relations; autonomy at the micro level refers to extra community networks, while at the macro level it refers to institutional capacity and credibility. This study tries to integrate social capital as it has development at the micro and macro levels, at initial examination of the propositions advanced by meso level which refers to group, community and civil society.


朱復陽(2007)。協力治理應用於眷村改建之研究 -以桃園縣陸光新城為例-〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2007.00652
