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Analysis on Governance Structure of Mass Rapid Transit by Lens Model

以透鏡模式(Lens Model)分析大眾捷運系統之治理結構


公共建設民營化可提升效率,但公共建設具有公共財、外部性等特性,使市場失靈,產生交易成本,捷運系統為地方公共建設之一,其融資不易、風險高,若按市場、混合組織、層級三種治理結構,選擇最節省交易成本之模式,稱為有效之治理結構,可兼顧效率性及公共性。本文評估捷運系統建設及營運期間之交易成本,推論線索包括特殊性投資、環境不確定性及契約複雜性三種屬性,以Tobit之計量模型檢定其迴歸值,以確定影響交易成本之重要因素,再以透鏡模式(Lens model)徵詢學者專家意見,作複相關(multiple correlation)分析,驗證是否有一致性(consistency)。分析結果,二組專家學者對捷運系統交易成本之評分為11.1分,特殊性投資8.3分、環境不確定性5.8分、契約複雜性4.8分,Tobit分析之估計係數;特殊性投資1.9271為顯著正值,環境不確定性-0.66不顯著,契約複雜性1.036為顯著正值,顯示特殊性投資與契約複雜性二者對捷運系統交易成本有顯著影響。Lens model分析;成就評估為0.8874、認識評估為0.95、複相關評估為0.963及0.97為高相關,表示二組專家學者對捷運系統交易成本之認知有一致性。依治理結構與交易成本關係比較,特殊性投資高者可分類為特許或管制之治理結構,換言之;捷運系統之建設及營運以制度混合組織之治理成本最低,對交易成本的節省幫助最大。


Privatization of public Infrastructures can enhance efficiency, but the public Infrastructures have characters of public goods and externality, which make market failure and produce transaction cost. The Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is one of the public Infrastructures that have financing difficulty and high risks. If the mode with the most economical transaction cost called efficient governance structure is chosen from market governance, hybrid organization governance, and hierarchy governance, it can give consideration to both efficiency and publicness. The Article evaluates the transaction cost of MRT during operation and construction and its clues of inference include asset investment specificity, environmental uncertainty and contractual complexity. It takes econometric model of Tobit to check its regression value and ascertain crucial factors that affect transaction cost; then consult scholars and experts, opinions by Lens model and conduct a multiple correlation analysis to verify the consistency. For analysis results, two groups of experts and scholars score 11.1 points for transaction cost of MRT, 8.3 points for asset investment specificity, 5.8 points for environmental uncertainty, 4.8 points for contractual complexity. About evaluated coefficient of Tobit analysis, asset investment specificity is significantly positive 1.927, environrnental uncertainty is not significant -0.66, and contractual complexity is significantly positive 1.036. Asset investment specificity and contractual complexity have significantly influence on transaction cost of MRT. The analysis of Lens model shows 0.8874 for achievement evaluation, 0.95 for knowledge evaluation, high correlation 0.963 and 0.97 for multiple correlation evaluation. It indicates that two groups of experts and scholars have consistency in transaction cost of MRT. Comparing governance structure with transaction cost, those have highly specific investment can be sorted into franchise or regulative governance structures. In other words, MRT construction and operation that adopt the governance of hybrid organization save transaction cost most.
