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Exploring the Relationship between the Establishment of Tainan Science Park and Local Economic Development


國內外以科學園區帶動地方經濟發展之相關研究爲數眾多,但是,研究重點多以策略管理思維及組織理論爲主,至於檢視科學園區興建完成後,檢視其對地方經濟發展所帶來的影響,並分析地方利害關係人看法者則較爲缺乏。 本文前後四年研究期間主要係以問卷調查及深度訪談方式,在2008年透過便利抽樣,針對200個樣本進行問卷調查,並選取2004年會接受本文深度訪談之7位以及l位新增之受訪者(共8位),進行第二度深度訪談。最後將其受訪內容,與2004年所做之16份訪談內容進行時空對話,竊以顯現出四年來,科學園區連結地方經濟發展過程中的民眾感受變化。 研究發現,民眾對於科學園區爲地方所帶來之改變,表示高度肯定,兩次的研究結果比較後顯示,多數受訪者由遲疑、觀望的態度,轉變爲認同與期待,並且願意在此長久居留與發展;另外,生活機能與未來發展滿意度調查方面,由於多樣公共設施興建以及園區所帶來的工作機會,男女受訪者皆表示滿意,但交通運輸方面,男女滿意程度則有不同。由於園區男性工作者多普遍自行騎乘汽機車上下班,因此相當滿意此地的交通路線規剖,而女性則因安全性考量而滿意此地的大眾交通運輸工具;至於高鐵設施因爲方便連結其他縣市地區而受到當地居民以及商店業者的認同,但距離科學園區稍遠,因此除了利用專用接駁車的往洽商的園區工作者外,一般民眾使用滿意度表示普通。


There has been a lot of research exploring the initiation of economic development after establishing a science park; however, they mostly applied the perspectives of strategic management and organization theory to investigate the influence after a science park is built. This study, by contrast, applies stakeholder analysis and conducts questionnaire surveys as well as interviews to examine the relationship between establishing a science park and local economic development. 200 survey questionnaires and 8 interviews, 7 of 8 both in 2004 and 2008, were conducted in this study to understand the perception of life function, mass transportation, and future economic development after Tainan Science Park has been planned and constructed. Research findings showed that the general public is satisfied with the local economic development, though most of them were not positive and hopeful as Tainan Science Park first operated. Both female and male interviewees are satisfied and positive with life function and future economic development. With respect to mass transportation, the female is more satisfied than the male and possible explanation is that most female commuters take mass transportation, while the male drive or ride motorcycles. High Speed Rail makes connection between counties much easier and more efficient, but, due to the far distance between HSR station and Tainan Science Park, shuttle service is indeed needed, which leads to moderate satisfaction. Generally speaking, promising success and positive expectation towards local economic development, life function and mass transportation after establishing the Tainan Science Park have been displayed from respondents.


