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Seeking a "Meso-level" Mechanism for Governance: Euregion Model and Its Implications for Taiwan



區域治理(regional governance)是各國近年來政治學、行政學、都市與空間規劃界日益關注的研究議題。各類區域治理形式及概念的出現,反映了這種全球和地方層次的治理空間變化。美國都會治理已走向新區域主義途徑,透過政策行動者的網絡合作,達到區域治理的目標。英國的區域治理與區域經濟發展和競爭力息息相關,不管是中央主導型或地方主導型區域治理模式,已朝向一種公、私、非營利組織及其它公共服務機構的協力夥伴方式進行。在歐洲,歐盟會員國亦在尋求一個「中觀層次」(meso-level)的治理機制,藉由「歐洲區域」(Euregion)建構及「跨境合作」(Cross-border cooperation)方式,企圖拉近各會員國在歐洲統合過程中政治與經濟利益之間的距離。上述域各種區域政府體系,或跨域治理的制度安排,其共同的特色是一種「全球在地化」的浮現,更強調居民的政治授權,更多緊密的社區角色,以及更多元且彈性的協調方式。本文主要探討歐盟之「歐洲區域」及北臺灣和東臺灣兩個個區域治理模式的制度建構與發展;藉由文獻分析與個案研究,瞭解和掌握當前區域治理變遷的趨勢,期能:一、對上述發展和機制建構作較有系統之梳理,以作為下一階段實證研究的文獻基礎;二,研析上述機制的運作實務及缺失,以期對當前我國國土空間規劃或跨域治理平台之建構,提供可參照的架構或模式。


"Regional governance" has become a focusing issue among areas of politics, administration practices and spatial/space design. The emergences of various regional governance concepts have initiated some political evolution either in global or local levels. Theoretically, the philosophy underpin these changes are mainly related to the discourse of New Public Management (NPM). In practice, countries have somehow adjusted their political rules, social institutions or spatial structure to cope with changes result from global economic integration. This paper argues the EU pursues a "meso-level" governance mechanism for harmonizing political and economic interests among member states in the integration process. Various modes of regional alliance, for instance the Euregion (or known as Euroregions, euregios), or arrangements for promoting cross-border cooperation, have enhanced the bond of affections among European people, it may also respond to the changing global economic environment more promptly and effectively than European or national level organizations. This paper describes a multi-method approach for exploring the spatial restructure and institutional alignments of contemporary regional governance. It uses both documentary analysis and cases study to find out developments of regional governance in the European Union as well as in Taiwan. The study identifies the cases of "North Taiwan Regional Development Promoted Committee" and eastern Taiwan (Hua-Tung) regional governance platform as examples. It concludes the EU case may give inspiration for designing institutional arrangements to Taiwan for resolving problems resulting from cross boundaries governance.


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