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Institutional Design and Capability of Taiwan's Neighbourhood Governance: Role of Immigrant Residents of Villages, Community Development Associations and Civic Deliberative Meetings


在英美國家部分地區因為公共服務不足,基層活動瀕臨斷裂,更進而導致治安與犯罪層出不窮。故基層治理(neighborhood governance)在英美一直是一個重要的課題,尤其涉及到社區民眾的基層活動,都可以說是基層治理的核心。在基層治理過程當中,當地居民透過當地參與機制,來實現基層治理的特質。臺灣與英美不同的是,臺灣並沒有像英美有些地區之基層面臨到治安與嚴峻的犯罪問題。本研究使用「基層治理」一詞,主要界定為正式制度--村里、社區發展協會,以及非正式制度-公民審議會議的活動參與,包含目前推動的參與式預算。同時,本研究採納Lowndes and Sullivan(2008)提到基層治理的四種類型做為論述基礎。故臺灣目前基層治理遇到的棘手現狀,就是臺灣新住民人口的增加,以及新住民主要擔任起照顧家庭的責任,參與基層活動並不踴躍。幸運的是,這幾年臺北市推動新住民參加參與式預算提案,正好嘗試彌補新住民參與的不足。但無論如何,本文認為一種新的基層治理之公民參與正在發展,與改變臺灣基層治理樣貌。


In some areas of the Anglo-American countries, neighbourhood governance activities are on the brink of fault, and thus lead to crime endless. Therefore, neighbourhood governance in Britain and the United States has always been an important issue, especially related to the community activities. In the neighbourhood governance process, the local residents through the local participation mechanism to achieve the characteristics of neighbourhood governance. Compared with Britain and the United States, there are no areas in Taiwan like Anglo-American face of out of order and serious crime. This study uses the term "neighbourhood governance" which is defined primarily as a formal system of village, community development association, and informal system of civic deliberative meeting, including current participatory budgets. At the same time, this study adopted Lowndes and Sullivan (2008) that the four types of neighbourhood governance are discussed as basic models. Therefore, the current situation of Taiwan's neighbourhood governance is the increase in the population of immigrant residents in Taiwan. The more responsibilities of the immigrant residents are to take care of the aged parents of family and the less opportunity to participate in neighbourhood activities. Fortunately, in recent years, Taipei City Government has been promoted immigrant residents to participate in participatory budget proposals. Finally, this study argues that a new phenomenon of citizen participation is developing and changing Taiwan's neighbourhood governance.


臺灣大學社會系林國明教授團隊,2012,〈公民共識會議,聽聽公民的聲音!〉, 苦勞網:http://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/19799,檢索日期:2017年2月3日。
