  • 期刊


The Study and Implementation of Authentication Mechanism in Integrated WLAN/Cellular Network


現階段無線通訊的發展,GSM、GPRS手機的使用非常普遍,幾乎是人手-機的狀況,但GSM/GPRS手機的使用似乎仍侷限於傳統語音的服務,數據服務的使用,除了少數應用服務,如簡訊外,似乎不如預期中熱烈。隨著無線區域綱路的快速發展,越來越多的公衆區域提供無線區域綱路擷取點以供使用者使用,並且有越來越多的使用者使用無線區域路來連接綱路。對終端使用者而言,若能將兩種不同綱路加以整合,並提供便捷之同一使用者終端設備-雙綱手機(WLAN/Cellular Dual Mode Handset),將可讓使用者依照所處的環境自行選擇使用者認證及計費的問題,其次是讓Cellular綱路所建置的數據服務能在可管理的環境下服務WLAN的使用者[1]。GSM、GPRS綱路有自己成熟、安全的認證架構及可被信任的計費機制,對其所提供之數據服務也有一套擷取管理的機制。IEEE對於無線區域綱路訂定了802.1×的認證方式[2],而3GPP目前也選擇了使用SIM擴展認證協議(EAP-SIM、AKA)作爲對WLAN使用者的認證機制[3,4],並且開始制定WLAN使用者擷取數據服務的管理程序[4]。本文將介紹這些機制並提出一些實作上可改善的程序,以及在製作雙綱手機上所遭遇的問題及解決的方法。


GSM/GPRS is very mature and popular nowadays so that almost everyone has his own handset. But the application of the GSM/GPRS phone seems to be restricted to traditional voice service. The data service is not popular as expected, except SMS. With the rapid growth of WLAN, many more access points are deployed in public areas for user service while more users connect to Internet through wireless devices. If the two networks are integrated and a WLAN/Cellular dual mode handset is available, it would be more convenient and efficient for end users to select the right network according to their environment. In this integrated environment, user authentication, billing, and user management are very important issues. IEEE defines 802.1× user authentication procedures as 3GPP also adopts EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA protocol for user authentication in the WLAN/Cellular integrated environment. In this article, we discuss the better solutions for implementation and the procedures to improve performance.
