  • 期刊


Mobility Management Technology for VoIP Services


隨著無線網路的基礎建設日益普及,網際網路服務支援行動性的需求也越趨明顯,在眾多服務中,又以即時通訊相關服務對支援行動性的要求最為嚴苛。行動裝置倘若要能在無線網路中支援無縫式(seamless)移動服務,從網路架構中的MAC(Media Access Control)層到應用層皆需要進行一些程序以保持通訊的持續。然而,目前的系統平台並無法提供類似的機制,一般的應用服務對網路層以下的變化毫不知情,因此也無法在訊號不佳時即時做反應。本文章便是提出一行動管理模組之觀念,使原本的應用程式更容易支援無縫式移動服務。


Recently, wireless networks are deployed pervasively and the rapid growth of wireless communications makes the mobility support for applications become a mandatory requirement. Among all of the Internet applications, real time communication related applications especially concern the handover performance and have the strictest criterion. For a mobile device to support seamless handover in a wireless environment, it should adopt some procedures from MAC layer to application layer to ensure the continuity of the ongoing communication session. Nevertheless, so far, most of the applications are unaware of the change of under layer and cannot act properly, because the system platform doesn't actively notify the application that the signal strength of current connection is becoming worse. This article introduces the concept of the mobility management module, so that applications can be easier to support seamless handover.


VoIP Mobility Management Seamless Handover
