  • 期刊


Wireless Sensor Networks Technology Program


整合感測、運算及網路能力之新興技術-Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN)被MIT Technology Review (2003年)列為改變未來世界最有潛力的十大技術之一,On World及工研院IEK預估到2012年全球佈建WSN nodes的數量將超過2億個,市場規模將達到830億美元,相關應用及服務將深入日常生活中,以WSN為基礎之智慧型環境技術與應用為極具潛力之新興產業。近年來,美、日、韓等國帶頭掀起『全球無所不在(Ubiquitous)的數位狂潮』,我國繼積極建設M台灣優勢環境後,亦提出優質網路社會之規劃。因應此一趨勢,本計畫乃聚焦WSN技術,與國際同步發展,期望帶動台灣在生活及工業等感測網路創新應用服務,進而開創台灣WSN高附加價值服務產業之新契機。


Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), an emerging technology, comprising of sensing, computing, and internetworking, was nominated as one of ten most potential technologies changing our world by MIT technology Review in 2003. On World and ITRI IEK predicts that the total amount of deployed sensor nodes worldwide will reach 200 millions in 2012. The market scale will achieve 83 billion US dollars. The applications and services of WSN will penetrate our daily life, as intelligent environment technology and application based on WSN has the potential to become an emerging industry. The U.S., Japan, and Korea governments are leading a global and digital ubiquitous networks trend. After establishing the M-Taiwan infrastructure, Taiwan also proposes the project of Ubiquitous Network Society (UNS). Based on the trend, this project aims to develop and investigate the WSN technologies, to create novel applications and services on wireless sensor networks, and to enhance the opportunities of high value-added services in Taiwan.
