  • 期刊


Wireless Sensor Networks Technology Program


Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN)被MIT Technology Review列為改變未來世界最有潛力的十大技術之一。根據OnWorld預估到2011年,無線感測器網路(WSN)系統與服務之全球市場將由目前的5億美元成長至約46億美元,2012年802.15.4感測器網路晶片組將達2.5億個,其應用及服務將深入日常生活中,為極具發展潛力之新興產業。依據行政院推動台灣由「M-Taiwan」(行動台灣)進階至「i-Taiwan」(智慧台灣),規劃i236推動計畫(2個主軸、3種網路及6項應用),其中無線感知網路為重要的基礎建設之一。因應此一趨勢,本計畫乃聚焦WSN技術,與國際同步發展,期望帶動台灣在生活及工業等感測網路創新應用服務,進而開創台灣WSN高附加價值服務產業之新契機。


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) was nominated as one of ten most potential technologies changing our world by MIT technology Review. On World predicts the global market of WSN systems and services will grow from 500 million to 4.6 billion dollars in 2011. The number of 802.15.4 sensor network device chipset will reach 25 million in 2012. Its application and service will penetrate into people's daily lives, making it an emerging industry with great potentialities. At present, the Executive Yuan puts more efforts to impel Taiwan from <||>M-Taiwan<||> into <||>i-Taiwan<||> and draws i236 development plans (2 main axles, 3 kinds of networks and 6 applications), in which wireless sensor networks is one of the basic important infrastructures. Riding on this tide, this project aims to develop and investigate the WSN technologies and expects to create novel applications and services on wireless sensor networks, and enhance the market opportunities of high added-value services in Taiwan.
