

本研究主要以交通資訊服務和交通安全服務為目標, 進行車路整合運作之軟硬體規劃、設計、開發,以及構建驗測場域資通訊測試環境。規劃於一高快速公路以及四個連續路口之平面道路,完成之系統服務將有交通資訊服務之動靜態路徑導引應用以及交通安全服務之前方壅塞資訊、即時號誌時相應用、道路障礙警示應用、路口防撞安全應用等多項重要應用。本研究成果將搭配現行交通管理與資訊服務運作機制,提供我國後續ITS科技計畫測試與驗證之基礎。


The research is aim at providing services of traffic information and traffic safety in vehicle infrastructure integration of ITS through planning, designing, and implementing the software and hardware, and constructing testing fields. The research is expected to have a static and dynamic traffic guidance application as a service of traffic information, and moreover, the multiple significant applications of service of traffic safety such as providing traffic congestion information, Signal Phase & Timing (SPaT), Road Hazard Warning (RHW), and Intersection Movement Assist (IMA) in the testing field included a highway road and four continuous intersections at a surface road. The research results in accordance with the current traffic management and information service operations will provide a basis of subsequent ITS deployment projects for testing and verification.

