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Development of Diagnostic Technology in Ocular Infectious Diseases


眼睛是人類的靈魂之窗,正常人80%對外部的察知都是透過雙眼來感測,所以它是人類最重要的感官之一,一旦受到感染而失能,人類當即受到相當的威脅與不便。本文將先簡介眼部的構造及疾病的診斷,繼而廣泛介紹眼部各種感染症與其當下所能使用診斷方法,以及較新穎的實驗室輔助新技術,從而對較特殊之感染症深入陳述。最後更對於「眼部感染症-微生物角膜炎之診斷技術」詳述目前本研究群的一些進展。微生物角膜炎是一種威脅視力的嚴重疾病,病患視力之預後有賴於早期正確的診斷與治療。吾人以臨床為導向,承接聚合酶鏈反應(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)增幅技術之基礎,發展及運用微生物角膜炎DNA診斷鑑識晶片,並著力於拉曼光譜光學技術的導入與應用,以發展快速診斷角膜潰瘍肇因之輔助鑑別技術。在醫療使命上,期能挽救更多微生物角膜炎患者之視力、減少眼球損傷及不得已的手術需求。在診斷科技上,期能達成輔助現有標準診斷程序之可能,以達提升微生物角膜炎更優質診斷之宏願。




Most of the information into our brain to get the feeling in our mind must depend on one of the most important sensing organs-eyes. The infection to the eye is a critical threatening to human, not only the vision, but also the following recognition. In this context, we will simply introduce anatomy of the eye and diagnosis of the diseases of the eye in the first. Then we will generally describe the infectious diseases in the ophthalmology, and describe deeply a little bit for the uncommon infection of the eye. Finally, we will focus on the diagnostic technology of microbial keratitis, which is a vision-threatening disease necessitating rapid and correct diagnosis. In our study group, we integrate and develop the probes of microbial discrimination as a microbial keratitis DNA array, which oriented to important pathogens causing microbial keratitis. For the mission of rapid diagnosis in the clinic, we apply the optic technology-Raman microspectroscopy to help the differential diagnosis of corneal ulcer. We hope our efforts for the promotion of diagnostic quality for microbial keratitis will rescue the vision of many patients suffered from microbial keratitis.


