  • 期刊

Abundance and Spatial Variation of Ommastrephes bartramii (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the Eastern North Pacific Observed from an Exploratory Survey



為瞭解赤魷(Ommastrephes bartramii)在東北太平洋水域赤魷的資源量與分布型態,我們在1997年7月4日至8月17日,於39°-44°N,150°-170° W水域進行探測研究在連續45天的探測作業,總漁獲量為15,806公斤,平均每日漁獲量351.2公斤。以單位努力漁獲量(CPUE, kg h^(-1))為資源豐度的指標,由CPUE等值分布圖發現,較高的資源豐度出在44°’N,164°’W附近。探測水域的水團具有相當不同的水文性質;而且高資源豐度的出現,顯然與相對較低的海水溫度與鹽度有關連。由主成份分析結果指出:對預測赤魷資源豐度的高低而言,海水溫度比鹽度有較高的預測效力。以經緯度一度方格為單位,在空間分布上,赤魷有明顯的南北(緯度)傾斜現象;在東西向(經度)的分布上,雖有方間的顯著效應,但無明顯傾斜之勢;換言之,後者呈現堆狀不規則分布。最後,依相關文獻,我們也討論了分布在北太平洋過渡區、鋒面帶附近的赤魷隨季節洄游的情形。


赤魷 北太平洋 空間分布


Data collected from an exploratory cruise to the eastern North Pacific were analyzed to describe the abundance and distributional pattern of the neon flying squid, Ommastrephes bartramii. In total 15 806 kg of the neon flying squid was caught in a 45-d period, with an average of 351.2 kg d^(-1). The isopleth diagram of catch per unit effort (CPUE) was used as an index of the abundance, and a significant higher abundance was found around 44° N, 164° W. Water mass characteristics was distinctive in the study area. It is apparent that the high abundance of the squid was linked to relatively low water temperature and low salinity. Principal component analysis indicated that water temperature has higher predictive power than salinity to estimate the abundance of neon flying squid. A latitudinal effect on the abundance of squid was confirmed; however no sign of a longitudinal trend was found, i.e., significant high abundance was found patchily. The distribution of neon flying squid in the North Pacific transitional frontal zones is discussed.
