  • 期刊

Species composition of earthworms on the main campus of National Taiwan University



這次的調查發現國立大台灣大學校總區有14種蚯蚓歸類為2科、4屬。除了A. papilio與兩個 (Amynthas屬) 未知種外,其餘的種類在台灣皆為已記錄種。校園中最普遍的蚯蚓種類是 Amynthas corticus、A. gracilis、A. robustus、Metaphire californica與Pontoscolex corethrurus。與1964年的資料比較,這次台大校總區內的調查發現蚯蚓少了3個種,但新紀錄到7個種。經由本次調查結果發現,台大校園內的蚯蚓種類豐富,在大台北地區具有代表性,是保存蚯蚓種類及豐富度的良好位置。此調查的詳細資料已呈現在「台大蚯蚓地圖」(http://earthworm.zo.ntu.edu.tw/NTUearthworm)。


蚯蚓 台灣大學


In our study, 14 species of earthworms, belonging to two families and four genera, were found on the National Taiwan University (NTU) main campus. Most of them have been recorded in Taiwan except for Amynthas papilio and two unknown species (Amynthas spp.). Five species namely A. corticus, A. gracilis, A. robustus, Metaphire californica, and Pontoscolex corethrurus are widely distributed on the campus. In a comparison of earthworm species recorded at NTU in 1964, three species were not collected this time, and seven species were found for the first time on the campus. Because the low level of development of the NTU main campus would tend to conserve most earthworm species, it can serve as a good reservoir for earthworms in the Taipei area. The web site of The earthworm guide to the NTU main campus (http://earthworm.zo.ntu.edu.tw/NTUearthworm) displays the data of this study in detail with an active format.


earthworm NTU
