  • 期刊


Difficulties in Understanding "The Route of Human Blood Circulation" for the 7th Grade Students


本研究目的在探查國一學生對生物課本中人體血液循環路徑單元的學習概况與理解循環路徑概念所遭遇的困難。本研究的樣本包括四所國民中學349位一年級學生。本研究以紙筆測驗方式來發現,學生對人體血液循環路徑及其相關教材的學習結果,幷配合問卷訪談以協助探討循環路徑理解困難的原因。本研究也利用教材內容調查表,協助探求學生對生物課本中血液循環單元教材內容的理解情形,以找出國一學生理解血液循環路徑相關教材的困難所在。 研究結果顯示,受測學生對血液循環單元教材的學習成就偏低。且對於血液循環路徑及相關單元存有許多另有想法。在學習心得方面,有62%的受訪學生認爲對血液循環路徑單元的學習有困難。對於本單元教材中圖形部分,學生所建構出的意義紛岐,多數學生無法完整的獲得圖形所表達的訊息。由各項調查結果顯示,學生理解人體血液循環路徑的困難原因有: 1.教材的呈現,忽略了强調血液循環中各構造間運作的因果關係。 2.本學習單元的知識結構本身過於複雜,學生難以推理和整合概念。 3.學生使用背誦方式作片段式記憶,無法對整體現象作有效的理解。 4.學生無法對圖形做適當的建構,或忽略圖形中的某些訊息,使得圖形輔助理解概念的功效降低。 5.受構造方位確認錯誤及其他想法的影響,導致學生對血液循環路徑的推論或記憶錯誤。




This study aimed to investigate the 7th grade students' achievement in learning ”the route of human blood circulation” unit in the biology textbook and difficulties which they encountered in understanding this unit. The subjects were 349 7th students selected from 4 junior high schools. In order to examine their achievement in learning the unit and relevant materials, a paper-pencil test was given to them; in the meantime, an interview with the researcher after filling out a questionnaire and an inquiry from concerning teaching materials were conducted to answer two questions: 1. What were the difficulties which the subjects encountered in understanding the unit and relevant materials? 2. What were responsible for the difficulties? The results of interviews and surveys indicated that the students achievement in learning ”the route of human blood circulation” unit was on the low side, and they had many alternative conceptions of the unit and relevant units. Another finding was that the students had divergent conceptions of the illustrations concerning the unit in the text book. Most of the students were unable to realize the information given by those illustrations completely. The cause, on the basis of the results, of difficulties in understanding ”the route of human blood circulation” unit was summed up as the following: 1. The causal relation of operating between parts of blood circulation were ignored improperly in the teaching materials. 2. The knowledge structure of the unit itself was too complicated for students to reason and integrate. 3. Memorizing fragmentary information through reciting, the students failed to understand the whole concepts. 4. The students failed to construct or tended to ingnore certain significant information from the illustrations so that those illustrations could not help them understand the concepts effectively. 5. Affected by incorrect identification of the position of structure and other ideas, the students had false reasoning and memory with respect to the route of human blood circulation.




