  • 期刊


Prevalence of Mold Allergy in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis in Central Taiwan


背景:黴菌為過敏性疾病常見之過敏原。台灣地區氣候溫暖潮濕,於環境中黴菌的接觸應極為頻繁。然而台灣本土的黴菌過敏之盛行率調查並不多,故進行本研究了解過敏性鼻炎患者中黴菌過敏的比例。 方法:自門診患者中選具過敏性鼻炎症狀及病史者加入本研究。所有病人均接受問卷訪視及包含5種黴菌的8項吸入性過敏原之皮內過敏原皮膚試驗並分析其結果。5種測試之黴菌性過敏原為:分裂孢子菌、變性菌、麴菌、念珠菌及青黴菌。其餘3項吸入性過敏原為家塵、棉絮和豚草。 結果:自2003年3月至8月間共收集221名病人,127名為男性,94名為女性,平均年齡31.6歲。5種測試之黴菌性過敏原皮膚試驗陽性比率為:念珠菌105名(47.5%);變性菌39名(17.6%);分裂孢子菌30名(13.6%);青黴菌28名(12.7%);麴菌27名(12.2%)。共176名(79.6%)患者對至少一種吸入性過敏原呈陽性反應。共143名(67.8%)患者對至少一種黴菌呈陽性皮膚試驗反應。 結論:我們的病人顯示黴菌過敏在過敏性鼻炎中極普遍。在過敏原測試、病患衛教及環境空制時不應忽視。


BACKGROUND: In nature, molds are ubiquitous. Taiwan is situated in a warm and humid area and these are favorable conditions for fungal growth. Exposure to fungi is certainly very common in Taiwan. In this work, study of the prevalence of mold allergy in patients with allergic rhinitis in central Taiwan was carried out. METHODS: Patients with typical symptoms of allergic rhinitis were gathered. These patients then underwent skin testing to determine any possible allergens. The tested items included eight inhalant allergens of which five were common fungi: Candida, Aspergillus, Cladosporum, Alternaria and Penicillium. RESULTS: Between March and August of 2003, 221 patients were inrolled in this study. There were 127 Male and 94 female patients with a mean age of 31.6 years old. One hundred and seventy-six patients (79.6%) showed a positive skin test to at least one of the aeroallergens. The positive rates for the five mold allergens were: Candida, 47.5%; Alternaria, 17.6%; Cladosporum, 13.6%; Penicillium, 12.7% and Aspergillus, 12.2% In total, 143 of the patients (67.8%) showed a positive skin testing to mold allergens. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that mold allergy has a relatively high prevalence in patients with allergic rhinitis in central Taiwan.


allergic rhinitis mold allergy skin test


