

橫紋肌肉瘤是一種發生於含有橫紋肌肉抗原間葉組織的惡性腫瘤,好發於小孩,發生率約每一百萬人中4.4人,成人病例較少見。源發於頭頸部的比率約35%,而頭頭部又以眼眶部最常見,其次是鼻咽、中耳、鼻腔及鼻竇,頸部較罕見。病理型態中多形性型(pleomorphic)最少,約佔橫紋肌肉瘤l%,主要侵犯的對象為40歲以上的成年人。目前治療多採外科、放射及化學治療併用的多形式治療方式(multimodality therapy)。本科於2004年2月經歷l名36歲的男性,因為頸部腫塊至本院耳鼻喉科門診求診,理學檢查發現腫塊大小約10×8 cm,位於右後側頸部,質地柔軟、無壓痛,且耳鼻喉範圍並無其他異常。頭頸部電腦斷層掃描可見腫瘤位於右後側頸部斜方肌上方併有肌肉壓迫。手術切除後,病理報告證實為多形性型橫紋肌肉瘤。患者後續接受放射線治療及化學治療,門診追蹤至今已17個月,尚無復發之跡象。


橫紋肌肉瘤 多形性型 頸部 成人


Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a rare malignant neoplasm of striated muscle. It is a common soft tissue sarcoma of children with an incidence of 0.44/100,000, but it is exceedingly infrequent in adults. The tumor can occur in the head and neck region, commonly in the orbital region and rarely in the neck. Pleomorphic type is the least form (1%) of RMS. The prognosis has been improved by multimodality therapy including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. We reported a 36-year-old man presented as right posterior neck mass. The mass was about 10×8 cm, located over right lateral posterior neck. CT image showed a large lobulated mass along the right trapezius muscle with muscle compression. He underwent excision of the tumor. The final pathologic diagnosis is pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma. Postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy were administered and there was no evidence of recurrence during a 17 month follow-up period.


rhabdomyosarcoma pleomorphic type neck adult

