  • 期刊


Glomus Tympanicum Tumor Extending into the External Auditory Canal


鼓室血管球瘤(Glomus tympanicum tumor)屬副神經節瘤,源於神經外胚層組織,發生率雖不高,卻是中耳最常見的良性腫瘤。患者常有搏動性耳鳴,耳鏡可見典型的耳膜後方有紅色血管樣的腫塊,診斷主要藉由理學檢查及影像學的檢查。本院於2004年12月經歷一42歲女性病患,主訴右耳聽力喪失約一個月,耳鏡檢查可見外耳道有一灰白色腫塊,顳骨電腦斷層可見右側鼓室、乳突腔及外耳道皆有軟組織,經乳突鑿開術探查發現為脈動性腫瘤,切片病理報告為副神經節瘤,經動脈栓塞術後,實行切除手術,術中發現該腫瘤破壞耳膜至外耳道,並充滿右側中耳腔、耳咽管、岩骨頂及鼓室隱窩,追蹤至今一年,腫瘤無復發情形。


Glomus tympanicum tumors are paragangliomas that are limited to middle ear and arise from neuroectodermal tissues. Although the incidence of Glomus tympanicum tumors is low, these tumors are the most common type found in the middle ear. Pulsatile tinnitus is this disease's most typical symptom. Otoscopic examination often shows the tumor as a reddish mass behind the ear drum. Diagnosis is made by physical examination and by studying images. We encountered a 42-year-old female with one month history of right hearing loss. Otoscopy revealed a grey-whitish mass in external auditory canal. A temporal bone CT revealed a soft tissue density lesion in the right external auditory canal, tympanic cavity and mastoid cavity. Explorative mastoidectomy was carried out and a pulsating tumor was noted. The pathology indicated paraganglioma. After angiographic embolization of ascending pharyngeal artery, extended mastoidectomy was performed to totally remove tumor. The tumor was identified as a Glomus tumor involving the right external auditory canal; it had caused ear drum destruction and involved the middle ear cavity, the Eustachian tube, the petrous apex and the attic area. There has been no evidence of tumor recurrence during a follow-up period of 12 months.
