  • 期刊


Giant Cell Fibroblastoma of the External Auditory Canal


巨細胞纖維母細胞瘤(giant cell fibroblastoma, GCF)爲一罕見的間葉腫瘤,是一種好發於十歲以下兒童的中度惡性纖維組織細胞性腫瘤(fibrohistiocytic tumor of intermediate malignancy),並以男性居多。症狀多爲生長速度緩慢且無痛的皮下腫塊,常發生在軀幹及四肢,主要是侵犯真皮層及皮下組織,有局部復發的傾向,但罕見有轉移的現象。巨細胞纖維母細胞瘤以外耳道皮下腫塊爲表徵的病例並未在文獻上發表過。本文報告一4歲女童,母親意外地發現她左側的外耳道有一無痛的腫塊已逾4個多月,且無耳漏、耳痛、聽力障礙等症狀也無外傷的病史。本院於2006年6月爲其施行切開式切片檢查,證實爲巨細胞纖維母細胞瘤,並於2006年7月施行廣泛式切除併旋轉皮瓣重建手術。術後傷口狀況恢復良好,門診追蹤兩年多,無復發或轉移的現象。經查文獻,尚未有耳部GCF之報告,故提出報告,並回顧相關文獻討論此病臨床及病理上之表現、診斷及治療。


Giant cell fibroblastoma (GCF) is a rare soft tissue tumor most often discovered during the first two decades of life. It is characterized by local aggressive growth and a high local recurrence rate. This tumor usually develops in the trunk or limbs of patients, but rarely in the head and neck regions. We present a 4-year-old girl with a left external auditory canal mass incidentally found by her mother for about four months. GCF was confirmed by incisional biopsy in June, 2006. The tumor was excised with safety margins in July, 2006. There was no evidence of local recurrence after two years of follow-up. We review herein the clinicopathologic features, histogenesis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
