  • 期刊


The Relationship Between HHIE-S Score, Hearing Loss and Speech Test Results in the Elderly


背景:本研究目的為研究年長者聽障問卷-篩檢版與純音及語音聽力檢查結果的相關性,尤其是本問卷得分與優耳語音聽辨率之間的相關性。方法:100名在台北市立聯合醫院和平院區耳鼻喉科就診病患中65歲以上年長者,於台北市立聯合醫院和平院區耳鼻喉科接受純音聽力檢查及語言聽力檢查,並填寫年長者聽障問卷-篩檢版問卷。結果:所有受試平均年齡75.38 ± 5.73歲,年長者聽障問卷-篩檢版得分為19.88 ± 13.67分,優耳氣導閾值平均為42.18 ± 18.48 dB HL,優耳語音接收閾值41.50 ± 19.34 dB HL,優耳語音聽辨率89.34 ±14.11%。年長者聽障問卷-篩檢版與優耳氣導閾值相關性為0.655,為中度顯著正相關,而年長者聽障問卷-篩檢版與優耳氣導閾值間的相關性由250 Hz至4,000 Hz介於0.518至0.665,為中度顯著正相關,相關性由高至低分別為500 Hz、250 Hz、1,000 Hz、2,000 Hz及4,000 Hz,年長者聽障問卷-篩檢版與語音接收閾值的相關性為0.541,為中度顯著正相關,而年長者聽障問卷-篩檢版與語音聽辨率的相關性為-0.219,無顯著相關性。依照年齡將受測者分為65-75歲、76-85歲及86歲以上三組,可發現76-85歲組的年長者聽障問卷-篩檢版較65-75歲組得分高,但76-85歲組與86歲以上組相較則無明顯差異。結論:經由上述結果,可發現年長者聽障問卷-篩檢版不僅與優耳氣導閾值平均有中度相關性,也與語音接收閾值呈現中度顯著相關,但其與語音聽辨率則呈無顯著相關。


BACKGROUND: A steady increase in aging population is a global trend and hearing loss caused by aging has become more and more obviously during recent years. In assessing the hearing loss and dysfunction for the elderly, a number of previous researches emphasized on the relationship between HHIE-S and pure tone average in the better ear. There were relatively few studies focused on the relationship between the HHIE-S and speech audiometry. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of present research is to investigate the relationship between HHIE-S and speech test score, especially the word discrimination of the better ear. METHODS: One hundred subjects older than 65 years who visited the Department of Otolaryngology of Taipei City Hospital Heping Fuyou Branch were included in this study. They received pure tone and speech audiometry. They also completed the HHIE-S questionnaire. RESULTS: The mean age is 75.8 ± 5.73 years old. There were 47 males and 53 females. The mean (± 1 S.D.) score of HHIE-S is 19.88 ± 13.67. The mean pure tone average of the better ear is 42.18 ± 18.48 dB HL. The mean speech reception threshold for better ear is 41.50 ± 19.34 dB HL. The mean word discrimination score for better ear is 89.34 ± 14.11%. The correlation between HHIE-S and air conduction hearing threshold in better ear is 0.655, these two are moderately positively related with significance. The correlation co-efficiency between HHIE-S and speech reception threshold is 0.541, suggesting a moderately positive correlation. No statically correlation between HHIE-S and word discrimination score was found (γ = -0.219). CONCLUSION: HHIE-S can be used to screen and evaluate hearing loss in the elderly. The HHIE-score has moderately positive correlation with the averaged hearing thresholds and speech reception thresholds of the better in for the elderly.
