  • 期刊

Embedded Oropharyngeal Fish Bone - Report of Two Cases



Ingestion of a fish bone is a common complaint encountered in emergency room or clinic, but an embedded fish bone in the pharynx is uncommon. We present pictures of two cases of embedded fish bones that were detected more than 7 days after they were accidentally swallowed. One embedded fish bone was removed through transoral approach, and the other fish bone was removed by laryngeal forceps under general anesthesia in the operating room. Both cases showed uneventful course after the treatment. Most embedded fish bones and their complications were evaluated and diagnosed with the help of the computed tomography scans; however, the diagnosis can also be made through repeated flexible fiberoptic endoscopy. Embedded fish bones sometimes might cause no symptoms but, in some cases, fatal complications happened. An embedded fish bone should be considered if there is an erosive, granulomatous or tumor-like appearance at the mucosa of the alimentary tract, or any infection close to the alimentary tract.


Fish bone foreign body pharynx embedded migrated


誤食魚骨是急診常見的主訴之一,但埋藏在咽部之魚骨頭卻是相對少見的。我們在這篇文章中呈現了兩個皆在誤吞魚刺1週後才被發現埋藏在咽部的案例。大部分埋藏之魚刺及其併發症都是在電腦斷層下發現並診斷,然而反覆的軟式纖維內視鏡也是可行的診斷方式。埋藏的魚刺可能造成嚴重併發症,但也可能以無症狀表現。這2名病患的魚刺,1名在門診當下便取出,另1名則是在開刀房於全身麻醉之狀態下取出,後續追蹤皆無其他併發症。對於主訴誤吞魚刺的病患, 若在咽喉黏膜發現肉芽增生,破損或腫瘤樣之病灶,需要將埋藏之魚刺列入鑑別診斷。


Fish bone foreign body pharynx embedded migrated(魚刺 異物 咽部 埋藏 移位)
