  • 期刊


The Effectiveness and Feasibility of Self-Guided Fieldwork by Using Instant Messaging Applications: The Example of Using LINE Software


野外實察是地理學課程中,非常重要的元素之一。由於人工智慧、機器學習、自然語言處理等技術的不斷突破,各大即時通訊軟體如Facebook、LINE也發展出聊天機器人(Chatbot)的應用程式介面開發服務。聊天機器人近年來為各大企業、媒體與政府等單位廣泛運用,藉由聊天機器人與使用者進行廣告訊息投放、關鍵字判讀以及即時互動等,但在教學的應用則較缺乏討論。本研究呈現透過聊天機器人實作所進行的學生自導式野外實察。本研究以臺北市關渡地區為研究區,於LINE通訊軟體中設計一連串的題目,使用LINE聊天機器人服務LINEBot所發展的訊息關鍵字判讀技術,針對學生的回覆訊息進行答案判讀與出題指令,並搭配Google Sheets建立訊息記錄,即時了解學生的實察進度與學習成效。活動後的學生回饋結果,發現以LINE進行自導式野外實察對學生而言是有趣、好玩的教學方式,無須具備實察經驗,也不需考慮年級、系所等條件,適合所有學生參與,但須注意在活動喜好程度上可能出現的性別差異。此外,透過這樣的考察方式所獲得的知識較為零碎,需要教師的事後教學與統整,方能使學生在該類型的實察體驗中,獲得最佳學習成效。本研究呈現活動設計的過程、學生參與活動的情況、學生參與後的回饋,以及活動的檢討與活動實施的建議等內容。


Fieldwork is an important component of geography education. However, due to time constraints or class size, teacher-led fieldwork is sometimes hard to conduct. Because of the technical development of artificial intelligence, instant messaging applications, such as LINE, have developed Chatbot to help entities interact with their clients. The applications of instant messaging applications and Chatbot on teaching, however, have attracted limited attention in academic studies. Taking Guandu, Taipei City, Taiwan as the research area, we use Chatbot in LINE to develop a series of questions, related to the cultural landscapes in Guandu, which enable a self-guided fieldwork for undergraduate and graduate students. Chatbot techniques are used to identify keywords (answers) entered by participants and generate self-pop-up responses and/or questions. In addition, the interactions between Chatbot and students are recorded in Google Sheets, enabling teachers and researchers to evaluate the learning processes of the students and effectiveness of the activity. The results of the post-fieldwork survey suggested that, overall, students highly enjoyed the activity, but teacher exposition is needed after the self-guided fieldwork in order to integrate the fragmented knowledge they learned from the self-guided fieldwork. Also, gender differences on the enjoyment of the activity were observed.


self-guided fieldwork Chatbot LINE Guandu


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