  • 期刊


Action Research on Cultivating Social Participation Literacy Learning Methods - Taking the Teaching of Spatial Information Unit as an Example


本研究設計有助於達成社會參與核心素養的學習活動,進行該學習活動的實驗教學,以教學觀察記錄、實作評量、紙筆測驗、個人協作能力自評、個人學習反思與組內互評等資料檢視該實驗教學的學習成果。本研究設計的學習活動以分組合作學習與「設計導向學習」(Design-Based Learning, DBL)做為學習策略;以地理資訊單元做為學習內容,並挑選出相對應社會參與核心素養的學習表現;使用數位地圖倡議(issue advocacy)做為表現任務;針對聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)進行議題探究,並於探究過程中,引導學生使用資訊與思考工具進行協作。研究結果顯示,有助於培育總綱中的核心素養C社會參與,包含C1道德實踐與公民意識、C2人際關係與團隊合作與C3多元文化與國際理解三大項目。


This research design contributes to achieving the learning activities of social participation in core literacy, and conducts experimental teaching of the learning activities. The research uses teaching observation records, performance assessment, paper and pencil tests, self-evaluation of personal collaboration skills, personal learning reflection and in-group peer reviews to examine the learning outcomes of the experimental teaching. The learning activities designed in this study employ: (1) group cooperative learning and Design-Based Learning (DBL) as learning strategies; (2) use spatial information units as learning content, and select the learning performance dimensions corresponding to the core literacy of social participation; and (3) use the digital map initiative (issue advocacy) as a performance task. The research aims to explore the issues of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and in the process of exploration, guide students to use information and thinking tools to collaborate. The research results validify the program's efficiency to cultivate the Core Competency (C Social Participation) in the general Curriculum Guidelines, including C1 Moral Praxisand Citizenship, C2 Interpersonal Relationships and Teamwork, and C3 Cultural and Global Understanding.


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