  • 期刊


The performance of phenological perception and landscape writing of Yue-ling's sequential poetry in Tang dynasty




月令 組詩 物候 地誌 唐代


Ancient Chinese learn the knowledge of seasonal phenology from living experiences. They not only apply the knowledge to politics but also develop astronomy and calendar. Thus, natural phenology and social life maintains highly interaction through long-term revision and observation. Besides, it also influences many fields, such as books on agriculture, etiquette and poetry. The Yue-ling's sequential poetry prevailed in six dynasties, and flourished in Tang dynasty. These poets include intellectuals and commoner, and spread in Jiang Nan, Dunhuang and Luo Yang around hundreds of years. This study was divided into four realms. First, it discussed the spread and the teaching of the knowledge of seasonal phenology. Second, it elaborated the poetry about those women abandoned by war in Yue-ling's sequential poetry. Third, it reveals that literates inscribe poem like "Describing Jiang Nan" and "Remembering Chang An" collectively. Fourth, it discussed the capitalization and phenological period in Li he's poem. It especially focused on the relation between human and nature, such as everyday life, culture and customs. After all, it provides more aspects in regional landscape writing.


Season Sequential Poetry Phenology Landscape Tang Dynasty


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