  • 期刊


Derivative Poetics Between Jiangxi School Theory and Commentary on Classical Prose in the Song Dynasty: Tongmeng Shixun and Guwen Guanjian




詩法 文法 評點 黃庭堅 呂本中 呂祖謙 樓昉 唐宋古文 江西詩學


Poetics (shifa) and prose theory (wenfa) flourished in the Song dynasty, thereby generating the discourses on flexible rhetoric (huofa) versus inflexible rhetoric (sifa) and rules (youfa) versus no-rules (wufa). These codes became the major texts of Song dynasty literary criticism. This paper investigates the derivative poetics between the Jiangxi School literary theory and the Commentary on classical prose from the perspectives of syntax and crucial prose theories. It is found that the Commentary school places more emphasis than the Jiangxi school on rhetorical know-how, and has shaped up its crucial grammar and terminology. There are discussions of coherence and resonance between the introductory part and the concluding part, sequential elaboration, orderly development and subtle analysis of stylistics and structural context. Comparatively, the Jiangxi school takes advantage of syntax and "intuition" (wuru), while the Commentary school figures out the "crucial" method to focus on rhetorical energia of the essay. Both schools capitalize on the spirit of huofa. This paper further probes into the intricate derivation and concurrence between poetics and rhetoric and their techniques may serve as a basis for tackling poetics after the Song.


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梁•蕭統編、唐•李善注:《文選》(臺北:藝文印書館,1989 年)【Xiao, Tong(Editor); Li, Shan(Note) .Wen xuan. Taipei: Yi Wen Yin Shu Guan(1989)】
唐•韓愈著、馬通伯校注 :《韓昌黎文集校注》(臺北:華正書局,1986 年)【Han,Yu (Author); Ma,Tong-bo(Note). Hanchang li wen ji xiao zhu. Taipei:Hua Zheng Bookstore(1986)】
宋•司馬光:《續詩話》(臺北:藝文印書館,1991 年,歷代詩話本)【Si, Ma- guang .Xu shi hua. Taipei: Yi Wen Yin Shu Guan, Li Dai Shi Hua Ben (1991)】
