  • 期刊


Discussion on Research Problems of Sino-Korean Pronunciations based on Influences from Korean Morphology to Phonology




This paper explores the derivation process of phonological alternations in Sino-Korean borrowings, paying special attention to the roles of -i and -s in Korean morphology. By comparing earlier versions of the Hangul script with modern Korean, trends within the evolution of Korean phonology can be readily observed. At the same time, however, special attention must be paid to non-linguistic peculiarities of the historical documents themselves. Variant pronunciations are analyzed under the lens of word formation, elucidating various morphological processes by which these very pronunciations were derived. This paper not only proposes a new possibility for analyzing the Sino-Korean phonological strata, but also develops a method for identifying elements of Chinese origin, concretely demonstrating the interactive relationship between Chinese and Korean elements.


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李基文著Lee Kimoon、藤本幸夫譯Fujimoto Yukio:《韓国語の歴史》History of Korean(東京Tokyo:大修館書店Taishukan Bookstore,1975年)。
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