  • 期刊


The Development and Transition of the Writing about the Four Books in Ming Dynasty




明儒 朱學 四書 心學 理學


Zhu Xi constructed the system of Confucianism basing on the Four Books. As for Ming dynasty, people of different levels practiced the philosophy in the Four Books from different stands. Rulers, officials, and common people all practiced and rethought the ordinance of the Four Books. After pondering, they even put forward new theories. According to the quantity and content of their writings about Four Books, there are three phases of the development in Ming. First, the period of imperial education: rulers quoted Zhu's curriculum as the basis of education in Ming Taizu, Huidi, Chengzu, Renzong, Xuanzong, Yingzong, and Jingdi. Second, the period of analyzing the ordinance: scholars emphasized personal interpretations of the classics in Ming Xianzong, Xiaozong, Wuzong, Shizong, and Muzong. Third, the period of diverse advancement: people argued about Philosophy of Mind (xinxue) and Philosophy of Principle (lixue) with each other in Ming Shenzong, Guangzong, Xizong, and Sizong. It reveals that Confucianism gave different people different influences and Zhu's curriculum were spread and developed by rulers, officials, as well as common people. The emperors quoted the Four Books to succeeded to "Succession to the Way (daotong)" in order to fuse academia with politics. The officials quoted it to think of the best way of living in the world. The bookshops used it to acquire wealth while scholars used it to achieve honor by expressing their opinions. Moreover, the division between Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Principle agitated people to give more interpretation of the Four Books. To be sure, the Four Books was the academic core of Confucianism in Ming and had great influence on people.


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宋・朱熹ZHU, XI:《四書章句集注》Si Shu Zhang Ju Ji Zhu(臺北Taipei:長安出版社Chang An Press,1991年)。
宋・黎靖德LI, JING-DE編:《朱子語類》Zhu Zi Yu Lei(臺北Taipei:文津出版社Wen Jin Press,1986年)。
元・陳櫟CHEN, LI:《定宇集》Ding Yu Ji,(臺北Taipei:臺灣商務印書館The Commercial Press, Ltd.,1986年,景印文淵閣《四庫全書》本)。
