  • 期刊


The Concern and Salvation for Sufferings of the Dead in Taoism




全形 度亡科儀 魂魄醫療 宗教醫療


The Daoism treasures the conceptions of livelihood, health and longevity, stressing more on body. The doctrines of pursue for longevity develop a wide variety of elements about maintenance, healing and medicine. Different from the belief of whole corpse in the ancient China, the Taoism cares about not only the body state when died and the preservation of corpse, but values the "whole-shape" as the prerequisites of being immortal and salvation. Base on the conception of whole-shape, the Taoism especially concerns about the break state of the dead's body, and considers that sickness in existence would influence the situation and salvation afterlife. On this ground, the first thing to save the dead is healing, recovering and completing the break soul by Ch'i, to makes the shape in whole. The main sources of this article is that text about salvation for the dead from Tao Tsang. This paper will deal with the conception of whole-shape, and divide into three parts. Firstly, analyze the definition and the original of "Cherishing Lives." Then discuss the reason why the dead out of shape. Finally, explain the meaning and function of Ch'i in the immortal healer salvation rite.


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