  • 期刊


A Linguistic Analysis of Tsuè Sin 12 Uánn Tshái Kua ("Song of the Twelve Courses")




歌仔冊 閩南語 方音差 泉州腔 特徵詞 借詞


Kua-á (歌仔) booklets ("songbooks")-folk works in long-form metered verse-are a staple in Hokkien folk literature, serving as a priceless record of life and language in the early modern period especially. I begin by summarizing the early 20th century Tsuè Sin 12 Uánn Tshái Kua. I also discuss the relationship between this and two other versions of the same work. I then probe the phonological characteristics of the underlying dialect of Hokkien. First, having identified nine dialectologically significant rimes, I examine verses that feature rhyming (sentence-final) syllables involving these rimes that do not vary across dialects (tīng-ūn jī定韻字) alongside those that do (tīng-khiunn ūn定腔韻). I conclude that the underlying dialect is the so-called Hái-kháu (海口, "seaward") dialect of Tsuân-tsiu (泉州). Next, consistent with this finding, I note that Hàn-jī (漢字) with tsiūnn-khìr (上去) tone readings are borrowed to write ēkhìr (下去) tone syllables, and vice versa, indicating that the two tones are not distinct in citation form; it is also evident that the ē-khìr and ē-piânn (下平) tones are commingled in non-citation form. Last, I discuss eight Tsuân-tsiu-specific words used in the book; four kinds of modern loanwords; and 10 words that modern readers are apt to misinterpret.


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李如龍LI, RU-LONG:〈閩方言的特徵詞〉Min Fang Yan de Te Zheng Ci,《漢語方言特徵詞研究》Han Yu Fang Yan Te Zheng Ci Yan Jiu(廈門Xiamen:廈門大學出版社Xiamen University Press,2002年),頁278-337。
杜建坊DU, JIAN-FANG:《歌仔冊起鼓:語言、文學與文化》Ge Zi Ce Qi Gu: Yu Yan, Wen Xue yu Wen Hua(臺北Taipei:臺灣書房出版有限公司Taiwan Classics,2008年)。
