  • 期刊


Pioneer of Industrial Novels: Shi Sheng's Rectification of and Reflection on "Saving the Nation by Boosting Business" in the Late Qing Dynasty




《市聲》 實業小說 晚清 商戰 姬文


On December 6, 1904, the Commercial Press publicly solicited industrial novels that "described the status quo of industry and commerce, discussed the current dilemmas faced by businesses, delved into their failures, and sought feasible solutions". The story Shi Sheng, written by Ji Wen and first serialized in 1905, stood out in the competition of the Commercial Press and became the first industrial novel in the history of Chinese literature. With "Pioneer of Industrial Novels: Shi Sheng's Rectification of and Reflection on 'Saving the Nation by Boosting Business' in the Late Qing Dynasty" as its title, this article offers insight into the special themes of the novels of the late Qing literary community. This article focuses on how Ji Wen's work shows the response and reflection of the literary and art community on the pressing reform of industry and commerce, summarizes the solutions of intellectuals to deal with current thought at that time, and shows the creativity and literary value of the manner in which Shi Sheng handles its subject matter. This article thereby opens up the scope and perspective of research on the late Qing novel.


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