  • 期刊


The Debate over Syncretism of Confucianism and Buddhism Syncretism of Shintō and Buddhism in the Early Edo Period A Study Centering on "Questions about Syncretism of Confucianism and Buddhis" and "Dialectical Debate Collection"




江戶時代 儒佛 神佛 林羅山 心安軒 龍溪性潛


The main purpose of this study is to analyze the debate over syncretism of Confucianism and Buddhism and syncretism of Shintō and Buddhism in the early Edo period. This study selected the representative works defending the orthodox sect written by two Buddhist experts as the research objects: monk Shin An Ken's "Questions about Syncretism of Confucianism and Buddhis" and Ryukei Seiken's "Dialectical Debate Collection". The former aims to counterattack the "Rejection of Buddhism" written by the Confucianist Yamazaki Ansai. The argument between them was the typical debate over the syncretism of Confucianism and Buddhism. The latter aims to criticize the Shintō work "Honcho Jinja Ko (a study of Japanese shrine)" written by the Confucianist Hayashi Razan. The argument between the two is the debate about the syncretism of Shintō and Buddhism. In terms of the debate over the syncretism of Confucianism and Buddhism, Chapter 2 of this study analyzes: (1) The dialectical debate over life, death, ghost and god; (2) The dialectical debate over Goodness of Nature and nature of Buddhism; (3) The dialectical debate over whether the same principles apply to the syncretism of Confucianism and Buddhism; (4) The dialectical debate over causality. These four perspectives reflect the dialectical focuses of the two parties. Chapter 3 of this study analyzes the content of debate over the syncretism of Shintō and Buddhism. Ryukei Seiken sticking to the idea of "Honji suijaku (some kami (but not all) are local manifestations)" and rejecting Razan's dichotomy between Shintō and Buddhism. After the early Edo period, many monks with academic background defended Buddhism one by one, revealing that Edo Buddhist world is in a transitional period of adapting to the situation and emphasizing secularity.


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