  • 期刊


Exploring Political Context of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Using IR Theories as an Analytical Tool in WTO Policy Studies


WTO研究由於涉及大量法律文獻之處理,長期以來以法律取向之研究為主力。然WTO研究亦常涉及政策面向,特別是涉及談判立場或制度改良方案,因而往往需要將法律問題置於較大的政治經濟脈絡下處理。國際關係研究者關注國際事務中的政治面「因素」、「過程」以及「因果關係」,且已累積大量研究成果。因此,應用國際關係理論及相關研究成果,有助於闡明以法律為中心的WTO談判及制度演進的政治脈絡,而提高WTO研究的政策面貢獻。 本文綜合當代主要國際關係理論之特性及長處,以及WTO研究之需求,嘗試提出一套簡明架構,供研究者參考運用。本文擬議以國家為中心,優先審視權力、利益、制度、理念、談判策略等因素,建立一套結合國際關係新自由制度主義、現實主義、社會建構主義,以及國際建制理論的基本分析架構,以供探索WTO政治脈絡之用。在基本分析架構外,本文建議廣納其他理論之精華,作為補充。例如:應用自由主義以闡明國內因素;應用全球治理概念以闡明WTO所面對之整體挑戰及因應之道。


Study on the WTO has been traditionally dominated by legal academics. However, it requires a multidisciplinary approach to illuminate the broader context of law, particularly when dealing with policy aspects. WTO researchers normally are expected to play policy making roles such as evaluating negotiating positions or redesigning institutions. Using insights from International Relations (IR), WTO researchers can better understand the political context of the WTO in general and multilateral trade negotiations in particular. They can produce works which are more policy relevant and make better policy contributions. This paper synthesizes major modern IR theories and proposes a concise analytical framework for studying WTO negotiations and regime evolution. The framework, which is designed for exploring the political context of the WTO, is a state-centric one based on neo-liberal institutionalism, realism, and international regime theory. It also includes constructivism to deal with factors about ideas. In addition, this paper suggests the analysis be enriched by other IR theories such as liberalism and global governance theory.


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