  • 期刊


A Reflection on Chantal Mouffe's Critics on Deliberative Democracy


穆芙(Chantal Mouffe)對審議式民主的批判不但直接追溯其思想源頭—羅爾斯(John Ralws)和哈伯瑪斯(JürgenHabermas),更從否定本質論(essentialism)出發,質疑審議式民主講究的「理性共識」根本是不足取與不可欲,同時提出其「爭勝式民主」(agonistic democracy)理論,認為真正的民主應該回歸政治性(political),承認在敵我關係必然存在的實然狀況下,政治對手之間的爭勝應該在認同民主的前提之下。爭勝式民主理論同時與她後馬克思主義的主張—以民主認同取代馬克思主義的階級認同—相連結,故而顯現她大破大立的格局。然而,穆芙對審議式民主的批判是否真的有其道理,又有其價值?其對理性共識壓抑多元與異議的批評,固然值得吾人進一步觀察審議式民主的實踐過程,但卻也忽視了審議式民主的其他價值,諸如實踐公民參與及擴大個人視野等。此外,其所信奉的多元政治觀有敵友區分之問題,其所提出之爭勝式民主並沒有解決代議民主的問題,還帶來了新的問題—強權政治的問題、民主不穩定的問題。


Chantal Mouffe's critiques on deliberative democracy not only tracked back to the sources of such idea, namely Jürgen Habermas and John Rawls, but also challenged it from essentialism, arguing that the ”rational consensus” highly cherished by deliberative democracy as worthless and undesirable. Meanwhile, she founded a theory of ”agonistic democracy”. According to her theory, genuine democracy shall drawback to ”political”. While admitting the necessary existence of antagonism, political rivals shall compete with each other under the prerequisite of identification with democratic institutions. Her theory of ”agonistic democracy” agrees with her post-Marxist claim to replace Marxist identification with class with the identification with democracy.However, are Mouffe's critiques on deliberative democracy really reasonable and valuable? A reflection from the experience aspect finds her critiques presenting merely partial facts, while her critiques method is seen in the trap of using ontology to criticize ontology as well as the issue of differentiating rivals from friends. Her critiques are limited to rational consensus, the focus of deliberate democracy, and ignore other values of deliberate democracy, such as carrying out citizen participation and enlarging individual visions, etc. Besides, her theory of ”agonistic democracy” does not solve the problems of representative democracy, and may lead to new problems such as power politics and unstable democracy.


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