  • 期刊


Ambassador Karl L. Rankin and U.S. Policy toward Taiwan in the 1950s


本文主要利用美國官方紀錄、藍欽(Karl L. Rankin)的私人檔案,及我國外交部檔案,探討美國藍欽大使(一九五○年八月至一九五七年十二月駐華)執行美國對台政策的方法、態度及對此時期美國對台政策所發生的影響,文中有幾點結論:(一)反共觀念加上親身觀察,使藍欽對國府由諒解而同情,對中共則敵意漸增。雖然他對決策過程影響有限,但卻經由政策執行的偏向,增加了美國對國府的支持。(二)藍欽強調心戰在反共鬥爭中的重要性,將「反攻大陸」當作心戰工具,無形中加強台灣與大陸分離的傾向,造成「事實上」兩個中國,與國府政策相背。(三)藍欽與華府均將台灣當作保護美國利益的工具,國府對兩者的信賴度卻大相逕庭,主因在藍欽的態度與處事方法,顧慮到國府的感受與觀點,故贏得國府及台灣人民的尊敬與信任,甚至對國府行事有相當的影響力。


This article analyzes the performance of Karl L. Rankin as Chief of the U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Taiwan from August 1950 to December 1957. It focuses on Rankin's influence on U.S. policy, his criticism of the policymaking process in Washington, and his skill as a diplomat. It argues that despite the fact that U.S. policy during this period left much to be desired and that Rankin may have un-wittingly helped perpetuate the two-China situation which is against Taipei's pronounced goal, his diplomatic skill and genuine sympathy for Taiwan had nevertheless won him unequivocal trust and respect in his host country.


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