  • 期刊


A Perspective on Enlargement of the European Union: A View from New Economic Geography


Krugman(1991b)與Krugman & Venables(1995)等新經濟地理理論分析貿易自由化如何形成核心與邊陲(或產業聚集)。本文利用新經濟地理架構探討市場規模擴大對產業聚集之衝擊。市場規模擴大對產業聚集之衝擊端視其規模擴大之程度而定。區域間貿易障礙越低(經濟整合程度越高),邊陲地區擴展市場規模之幅度必須越大才有機會自行發展產業;而製造業聯鎖效果與規模經濟程度越低,則邊陲地區越容易藉由擴展市場規模以發展產業。換言之,區域間整合程度愈深或形成核心之凝聚力愈大,則邊陲地區發展產業所須藉助之外力(拓展市場規模)須愈強。本文據此評估歐洲聯盟之發展對其產業聚集之影響。


New economic geography models, pioneered by Krugman (1991b) and Krugman & Venables (1995), show how trade liberalization affects the formation of core and periphery. This article utilizes the framework of new economic geography to investigate impacts of increases in market size upon the emergence of peripheral industry. The emergence of peripheral industry does not necessarily happen in response to increases in market size; it depends not only on the scale of market enlargement, but on a few key parameters. With lower trade barriers between core and periphery, higher linkage effects, or stronger economies of scale, a larger scale of market enlargement is required for the emergence of peripheral industry. According to this analysis, this paper offers perspectives on the enlargement of the European Union.


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